Stonewell Financial Services Inc. is a total-service financial management company located in Toronto, the financial hub of Canada. Its management consists of financial professional, insurance professional and chartered professional accountant (CPA). It was incorporated in 2009, and currently offers various services and products including full suite of wealth management services, individual insurance plans, Group Benefit plans and travel insurances through Stonewell Insurance, Stonewell Investment, Stonewell Group Benefit, Sunwell Financial, and Tripbrella.
We understand that today consumers require fast services but many times concede professional advices in exchange. Out goal is to provide professional insurance and financial management advisory services, like that of 1:1 counselling, through internet and mobile channels, conveniently and efficiently. We will always strive to provide the quality and accurate information for all your insurance needs at all times.
One of the most important elements for every living things is “water”, and “well” has been its source for people for as long as we know. “Stonewell” stands for a reliable, durable and solid source of an essential element of life. Stonewell Financial Services strives to be a trustworthy service organization that provides a wide range of essential wealth and risk management services which clients can always rely on and trust.
Stonewell Financial Services Inc. is a total-service financial management company located in Toronto, the financial hub of Canada. Its management consists of financial professional, and insurance professional. We understand that today consumers require fast services but many times concede professional advices in exchange. Our goal is to provide professional insurance and financial management advisory services, like that of 1:1 counselling, through internet and mobile channels, conveniently and efficiently. We will always strive to provide the quality and accurate information for all your insurance needs at all times.
We get paid by insurance company to help you acquire most suitable product based on your needs and budget. We as the broker represent our client’s best interests and our duty is to understand your situation, needs, and requirements due deligently to find best solutions.
How can we help you?